Welcome to our blog!

We live in a small urban homestead in a property that is 5100sqft in total. We have tried to use as much of our space as possible and within this blog you will find a wide array of topics covered from gardening to baking and how we utilize our space to live the life we want.

We hope that you enjoy our posts and join us on our adventure!

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How to Dry Farm: Growing Tomatoes without Water

How to Dry Farm: Growing Tomatoes without Water

What is dry farming and can you grow food crops without any water? Yes, you can grow food without water through a process called dry farming. Simply put dry farming is a method of growing crops without additional irrigation. This is best done in areas that are water stressed and have no to minimal rainfall over the summer months. The end result will produce intensely flavored and sweet crops!

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Creating a Park Strip Pollinator Garden

Creating a Park Strip Pollinator Garden

What to do when you have a large garden space but it happens to be between the road and the sidewalk?

I’ll admit that at first I had no idea what to do with the space either. It’s 5 feet wide by 68 feet long and all I could think was that I wanted it to be low maintenance. Well that changed quickly when we cut our lilac bushes to expand the backyard. Without the lilacs, where would all the bees go? So low maintenance quickly became high maintenance, but it’s so worth it.

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Flowers and gophers
Gardening Ale Gardening Ale

Flowers and gophers

Oh gophers, you troublesome and fearless creatures. While they are extremely persistent, they can be managed. I will share with you some things that I learned and a solution that has been the best gopher repelling method that I have ever used, which is completely safe for you, the environment, and the gophers.

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