Indulgent Triple Chocolate Cookies

Making homemade delicious and indulgent chocolate chocolate chip cookies that will fix your chocolate cravings and be a balm for your troubles. That sounds like a tall ask but these are the best cookies ever. Ale is not a chocolate fan (I know its crazy) and she loved these and had quite a few.


How I came up with these started a bit different from how I usually come up with baked goods.

I don’t always get along with my brain.  I know that might seem like a strange sentiment, but its true.  Sometimes it feels like what I want and what my brain wants are just complete opposites. 

It will fixate and obsess over the tiniest problems, replay conversations from years ago, or, and this is worst of all, try to convince me that life is pointless.  Now, I know its not.  I know that I have an amazing partner in Ale, a wonderfully sweet son, and 5 awesome animals (fine, so the animals aren’t always awesome, and sometimes they can be the most infuriating creatures on this planet, but on balance they’re still at least ok. 

But even with all that, my brain will try to spiral.  Where every bad thought serves as its own proof point that everything is terrible and difficult.  And if it wasn’t, then why would I have these thoughts?  And how pathetic am I that I can’t just turn it off? 

Long story short, its unpleasant, and one of things I’ve been trying to do to kind of short circuit this depressing spiral is to bake.  It forces me to focus more externally and gives me a task that I can accomplish.  After all, I can’t be completely useless if I’ve made something that feeds my family.  And even the times that a recipe hasn’t turned out, the simple act of creating something seems to help.  

Anyway, on to the good stuff.  The last time when I was feeling caught in one of these spirals I decided that I really needed to make something chocolatey.  Now, I don’t get many cravings, but one that comes up every so often, particularly when I’m going through a tough time, is chocolate. 

And not just any old chocolate bar, something rich and fudgy, and indulgent.  Unfortunately I’ve always had a bit of trouble with chocolate recipes.  My brownies have always turned out ok, but not great, and my chocolate cookies never seemed to give me a texture I was happy with, so I didn’t exactly have the highest of hopes when I decided to shoot for a double chocolate brownie cookie.

I wanted something that would just feel indulgent to eat, like a good holiday truffle.  To my surprise the first batch turned out almost perfect!  After a couple of additional tweaks and test batches, I decided these were just too good not to share. 

Yield: 30
Author: The Curious Nook
Indulgent Triple Chocolate Cookies

Indulgent Triple Chocolate Cookies

Prep time: 30 MinCook time: 20 MinInactive time: 2 HourTotal time: 2 H & 50 M


  • 300g White Sonora Flour (2 1/4 cup)
  • 50g Cocoa Powder (50g)
  • 50g Hazelnut Flour (1/2cup - 1 tablespoon)
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 2 tsp espresso powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • 285g butter (1 1/4 cup)
  • 150g brown sugar (3/4 cup)
  • 150g white sugar (3/4 cup)
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp Chocolate liquor
  • 1 Tbsp heavy cream
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 yolk
  • 1 bag dark chocolate chips (340g)
  • 100g white chocolate for drizzle (optional)


  1. Sift together flour, cocoa powder, hazelnut flower, baking soda, and spices
  2. Cream butter and sugar until fluffy
  3. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing on low speed until incorporated
  4. Add vanilla, heavy cream, and chocolate liqueur, and mix on medium for 1-2 minutes
  5. Add dry ingredients and mix on low until combined
  6. Stir in chocolate chips
  7. Refrigerate at least 2 hours
  8. Preheat oven to 350
  9. Drop by rounded tablespoons onto a parchment lined baking sheet
  10. Bake at 350 for 15-18 minutes, transferring to cooling rack when done
  11. Once cookies are cooled, melt the white chocolate and drizzle over the cookies


Feel free to be flexible on the flour choice here. The White Sonora adds a wonderful flavor to these, and I highly recommend it, but any type of all-purpose flour will work.

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I hope you enjoy these as much as we did!

Until next time,



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